Thursday, February 21, 2008

Updates on Owen Miles

Well, I have not blogged in FOREVER . . . I have just not been in the mood to write. So here is what has been going on in our lives since Christmas. Owen . . . where to begin. . . He is doing everything. He says dog, shakes his head no (does not know what no really means though), and i think that he might say ball. He took his first step this past weekend. He is on his seventh ear infection (not counting both ears for when he has a double). He has been on three different antibiotics. He currently has a double ear infection and if he does not get rid of them this time we will have to go see a ENT, get a hearing test, discuss tubes (YIKES), and see what they say about his ears!! He still has noooooo teeth! He is also climbing in and on everything. Some of his favorites to climb is into the dishwasher, of the couch, onto his large toys, into the bath tub, inzto a suit case, you name it he will try to climb it!! So, that is what Owen has been up to!! We are absolutely loving him everyday. He is just so much fun.
Kyle and I have been redoing our kitchen!! YEAH!! It is pretty much done and functioning. We just have the tedious stuff left. We have also been helping my parents with their kitchen. WE have been so so busy. I think that is what has been going on in our lives. Hope all is well for you!!

NO, This can is not opened. He just loves to get into everything!!